The Lawyers Council Of Thailand and other groups joined a seminar on Thursday titled "Rohingya: the uncertain fate, empty future and the Thai government’s handling of them" at the Thai Journalists Association.
Surapong Kongchantuk, vice-chair of the council’s Human Rights Subcommittee on Ethnic Minorities, the Stateless, Migrant Workers and Displaced Persons, said the government was not tackling the Rohingya immigration issue seriously, despite greater awareness and immigration strategies. Thailand saw itself as a passageway for the minority to go to Malaysia, so officials only pushed the Rohingya back (to sea) and did not proceed with any legal processing.
Middlemen were paid about Bt60,000 to get the Rohingya on a boat and when it ran out of gas in Thai waters, officials – reportedly involved in all steps – rounded them up and pushed them back without any legal processing. This occurred amid claims the country has no place to detain them.
But according to the Government and some racists of Burma, there is a community which has no nation is Rohingya community which have been living in the Arakan state of Burma for many centuries according to the history. They say that the Rohingya community which have been living in the Arakan state of Burma is from Bangladesh not from Burma.When we look the history of Rohingya community, we can clearly know that this Rohingya community is not from Bangladesh but from Burma because this community have been living in the Arakan state of Burma for many centuries according to the history.